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Westcon-Comstor 3D Lab

Demo Labs virtuali multi-vendor e multi-soluzione

Learn and demo next-gen cybersecurity and networking solutions in our virtual cloud lab. 

Designed to showcase the latest solutions, our cloud lab allows you and your customers to test combined use-cases against multivendor solutions, such as Zero Trust Access, Ransomware Detection, API security, and more. This hands-on experience helps you train your teams and convert your customers faster. 

3D Lab is free to use and accessible within 48 hours of request. With nothing to configure or install – and a detailed lab guide to help you – you can be your customers’ trusted advisor and support them with confidence.  

Only available for Tech Xpert members: The exclusive cybersecurity and networking community

Now earn 15 Tech Xpert points every time you book and use a Westcon-Comstor 3D Lab.
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Xperience 3D Lab

Hands-on learning for immersive use case experiences

Upskill your teams with deep dives of the latest technologies and real-world use cases. 

3D Lab is the only place where technical experts and our channel partners can try out solutions, grow their knowledge, and accelerate their technical enablement journey.  

This hands-on experience will help you gain the know-how and certifications needed to effectively sell and support solutions and meet your business needs.  

Xplore 3D Lab

From demos to decisions, fast

Empower your teams to showcase and demo vendor solutions to help your customers make informed investment decisions. From virtual demos to live events you can speed up the sales cycle with this interactive, show-and-tell experience.  

Sappiamo quanto possa essere difficile spingere i vostri clienti a investire in nuove tecnologie. Per questo abbiamo investito per voi con i nostri demo labs unici e multivendor: la prima e unica struttura multivendor e multisoluzione nella distribuzione. Siete i loro consulenti di fiducia. Ora potete dimostrarlo.

Ora potete far vedere come funzionano le nostre soluzioni migliori per proteggere i vostri clienti in tutti i casi d'uso.

I nostri laboratori virtuali consentono a voi ed ai vostri clienti di testare soluzioni di sicurezza multi-vendor, combinate tra loro, tramite casi d'uso specifici. Esperienza pratica di soluzioni ad alte prestazioni in un ambiente sicuro e supervisionato.

  • Risparmiate tempo e denaro provando soluzioni di security di più fornitori
  • Prova casi d'uso combinati in un laboratorio cloud flessibile e affidabile
  • Test drive dall'ambiente sicuro del tuo home office o del tuo posto di lavoro

3D Lab Solution Offerings