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AIM – API Integration Management

Your integration point to Partner Success

How does AIM work?

Get or Submit Data

AIM has two categories of APIs: get and submit. Get APIs support an immediate response to transaction data. Submit APIs support requests for quote, convert quote to order, and direct order to Westcon-Comstor for offline processing and response.

Easy implementation

AIM offers a development toolkit to facilitate partner implementation that includes detailed documentation and ready to use code. An assigned partnerkey gives you access to all available APIs in separate test and production environments.

Free to use

There is no cost or service charge to use AIM. All it takes is time to develop, build, and maintain the integration – and changes to partners’ internal systems to consume and use the information.

What APIs are available ?

API Type Description
Shipment Detail Get All shipment information incl. tracking, serial number, Mac address
Carrier Tracking Get Carrier transit and delivery info post shipment
Order Status Get Detailed line level status of multiple customer orders
Product Availability Get Real-time stock availability on products
Invoices List Get All invoices based on a specified data range
Open Order List Get All open orders based on specified date range
Pricing Get Standard discount pricing for products (excluding SBAs)
Get Quote Get Detailed line level status of multiple customer orders
Bluesky Get Microsoft CSP Billing Data
Event Listener Get Retrieve confirmation, reference IDs, and error messages for request for quotes and order create calls
Request for Quote Submit Request, revise and convert a quote based on a participating Vendor Quote Number or a quote based on a bill of materials
Convert Quote to Order Submit Request a quote to be converted to an order
Order Create Submit Direct connection to Westcon Order Entry


Five ways AIM helps you

Accurate, real-time information on-demand

Use with your chosen customer interface or reporting system so you have all the relevant information you need anytime.

Self-serve 24/7 for increased productivity and efficiency

Improve your end customer response time to gain more control of your business through a single channel.

Single and secure access point

An assigned key gives access to all available APIs in separate test and production environments using Microsoft Azure for established security and accessibility.  

Quick and easy set up

Development toolkit facilitates implementation and includes detailed documentation and ready to use code.

Start with the APIs you need

You can develop, test, and deploy at your own pace - expand to additional APIs as needed through consistent design and access.